New report of dialogue trainings and capacity building in Poland
Two years have passed since the Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue and Orange Poland started a collaboration for capacity building and dialogue training amongst civil society in Poland. The goal was to provide a broad spectrum of civil society actors competencies, tools, knowledge and practice to support their work in building civic attitudes, cooperation and social capital.
Since then, 100 chosen persons have received training in dialogue and 25 of these have become certified facilitators of dialogue. Together, this network has reached around 10 000 people and 300 organizations in the country, who in different ways have reaped the benefits of dialogue and conflict transformation.
Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue have now completed a report of the work that has been done, with the aim to assess the relevance of tools, methodologies and approaches that are introduced through NCPD training courses, and to increase our understanding of the context the participants work in, as well as their main concerns, achievements and challenges.