The conference focuses on dialogue to handle impacts of conflicts and prevent new ones, and building inclusive communities, trust, democracy and lasting peace. Lillehammer Dialogue City is a call for action to promote dialogue for peace.
2018 marks 100 years since the end of World War I.
The lessons from this war are important for the vital dialogue work needed today. The conference opens with a Commemoration Day, looking at the impacts of WWI on conflicts today, and commemorating Norwegian sailors who perished during that war. The conference continues with the topics: Current Conflicts – Building Trust; Future Conflicts – Promoting Inclusion; and Open Day – Diversity of Dialogues.
Lillehammer Dialogue City is the venue for six vital conversations, looking at the present global picture and the need for dialogue. These conversations are about inclusive dialogue; reconciliation after wars and conflict through dialogue; forced displacement and the challenges of migration; Sustainable Development Goal 16; UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security; and UNSCR 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security.
Why a Dialogue City?
Around the world, dialogue practitioners are working to create inclusive communities, transform conflicts, and promote sustainable peace in conflict, post-conflict areas and divided communities. The 2018 Lillehammer Dialogue City is a safe space that brings together dialogue practitioners, researchers, diplomats, government officials and community leaders to explore how dialogue contributes to build lasting peace and prevent future conflict and war.
Through more than twenty years of implementing dialogue projects, we have learnt that dialogue is an essential component of reconciliation after war and conflict to promote lasting peace. Very often formal peace processes do not include dialogue between people in the affected communities, but even in places with looming threats of conflict or affected by war, dialogue can transform conflicts. With this knowledge, Lillehammer Dialogue City promotes dialogue as a vital tool for better policymaking in international peace building. Participants will make recommendations on achieving inclusiveness to strengthen democracy and durable peace, and meet the Sustainable Development Goals.
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Lillehammer as a dialogue space
The city of Lillehammer and surrounding areas have played an important role in the dialogue processes of the Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue since its formation. The peaceful atmosphere and beautiful nature offer visitors the space for reflection, deep listening, and give room for respectful conversations. Lillehammer is well-known for hosting the 1994 Winter Olympics, the Youth Olympic Games 2016, and other international events. It is a friendly Norwegian city with a rich cultural life and is open to diversity. Lillehammer Dialogue City is rich in events, conversations and initiatives promoting peace.