Dialogue is a conversation based on humility, respect and openness which allows us to learn about each other. By learning about each other, unmanageable situations can become manageable. Dialogue enhances relationships in a community and strengthen the social fabric. Dialogue opens the door to peaceful co-existence.
The NCPD invites people from divided communities or communities experiencing stress to its social cohesion to a structured dialogue on issues of individual and community concern. A structured dialogue can be conducted through a workshop, training sessions or public meetings, where people can raise issues such as discrimination, lack of empowerment, poor governance, human rights abuses and livelihood opportunities.
Our aim is to strengthen relationships and build trust within communities, across ethnic, cultural, gender or political differences, renewing cooperation and prepare a strategy to live peacefully in mutual respect.
The long-term benefits of dialogue are improved relations and cooperation in the community, often enabling further development through social and political action. Dialogue brings slow and lasting results, change from within the community itself and brings on constructive solutions.
You can contact us through the contact form at the bottom of the page, call us on +47 61265419 or send an email to post@peace.no